My name is
Joseph, I am 48 years of age and was born in
Concord California,
but please do not hold that against me.
I am 6'4"
and weigh in at 280 lbs. and yes...
they do stack
it this high! Just don't let it fall on ya!
Not to worry
though, as I prefer to be a gentle giant.
I go by the
handle of Two Dogs, and I actually prefer it to
some of the
other names I have been called in my life.
I have hung
my hat in many parts of these United States,
such as Pennsylvania,
Connecticut, Oregon, Nevada,
and all up
and down California.
I moved here
to Montana from San Jose California
where I lived
since I was thirteen, in an area that was
called "War
Zone # 1", otherwise known as the Southside.
I never had
been in a fight before,
but had to
learn the "streets" very quickly in order to
keep my nose
on the front of my face,
instead of
protruding out the back of my head!
After proving
myself to the many neighborhood toughs,
I was able
to walk with my head high, and in peace.
I believe
a major part of gaining their respect was
the fact that,
after a few years of growing I was about
a foot taller
and outweighed them by fifty pounds,
and could
'Walk the Talk".
Those were
the old days though. Now if you defend yourself,
the cowards
come back later with greater numbers and
either stab,
shoot, or beat you to death with their gang.
All in the
name of respect. It is too bad that in this day,
there are
still people that will take your life just for looking
at them the
wrong way, a very sad situation!
As a youth
(before San Jose), I was raised in the country
and spent
hours just exploring the woods and creeks in our vicinity. I have always
been a country boy at heart,
even while
living in some pretty large cities.
My move to
Montana has given me a long overdue
release and has returned me to the lifestyle
I was born
to live.
It is so refreshing
to be out of the element where people are judged by their fists and how
macho they can act,
and after
all... it is an act.
I ought to
know... I was once one of the actors!
My heart and
soul were always meant to be in Montana.
A place where
people are judged by their hearts and their deeds, a place where all you
see are friendly faces
and lots of
It has taken
me a lifetime to get here,
and this is
where I will be when the Great Spirit calls for me!
I attended
San Jose City College where I majored in
of Justice, minored in Photography,
and played
some football while I was there.
After I graduated
I went to work in the Silicon Valley
in the field
of Electronic and Equipment Maintenance,
and continued
my education in the field of electronics.
At the same
time I continued playing
Football at
the Semi-Pro level, and tested for the
San Jose Police
department. My father was in
Law Enforcement
when I was a child and I used to go on
patrol with
him, so I wanted to do the same thing.
As it turned
out, while I was waiting to start the academy,
I had an on
the job injury that dashed any hopes of becoming
a peace officer,
or playing any type of physical sport for good.
But things
always happen for a reason, besides...
I have never
been what you would call a choir boy.
(for more
details on my injury, see the bottom of this page).
I worked for
a time as the Athletic Director for the Alviso
Catholic Youth
Organization, and ran the Teen Center
to help the
troubled youths in the area.
I was also
the Coach for the "Alviso Bandits Softball Team" that was sponsored by
the church and Community Center.
It was a very
rewarding job and the kids were all great. I soon found myself coaching
youth Football for the San Jose Police Athletic League. I then became the
President of the Milpitas Knights Youth Football Organization, which was
a member of the San Jose P.A.L.
I really enjoyed
this but I soon found myself as a Head Coach for the Pee Wee division,
and filling is as the Athletic Director, Equipment Manager, a gopher for
the snack shack, the Secretary, and the whipping post for every so called
adult in the organization. After a few years of this abuse, I decided that
I had given my all, and it was time to take care of myself, my dreams,
and move on with my life.
In 1994, I
returned to school and learned how to build
and repair
computers in the hopes of opening my own
business up
here in Montana. However, shortly after I
moved to Montana
I ran into some more health problems
that turned
my life in another direction. A good one!
Since I am
homebound, I have started my own web
business that
involves wholesale and retail collectibles
and decorations.
Our long term plan is to raise and train
Walking Horses, as well as rescued horses,
and wild mustangs
which are plenty in this area.
I do not need
to be rich or famous...
I just want
to stand on my own two feet again
and feel the
pride of being self sufficient.
I recently
finished a year of chemotherapy for a major
health problem,
and while I was in treatment I took care
of a horse
for a friend of ours.
The Horse
also had a life threatening health problem.
I found that
caring for this horse, "Bay" is his name,
was as good
for me as any medicine or therapy.
I am and always
will be a devoted animal lover.
They do not
lie, cheat, steal, or use you like some of the
two leggers
I have had the misfortune to know.
They are pure
of heart and their love for you
is an unconditional
one. I have found over the years
that I have
a talent for working with children and animals,
and since
I have already given a great portion of my life
to helping
children and teens, it is now time for me
to focus on
any and all animals I can help.
From Mice
to Moose and everything in between.
healing buddy... Bay!
My better half,
Sylvia, works for the Humane Society
of the United
States and is always knee deep
in animal
problems herself. I admire her and the People she
works with
for their efforts in animal rescue and placement.
Believe me...
they work their butts off.
Sylvia, myself,
and a few others are very much interested
in doing horse
rescue. Not just saddle and work horses,
but wild horses
as well.
Sylvia recently
purchased a ten week old paint colt
(see horse
page) from one of the local sales lots that
was in what
they call the "Kill Pen". In other words...
he was on
his way to be slaughtered. This little guy is
turning out
to be a regular little character,
and is as
smart as they come. At four months old
he was halter
broke and has learned to do a couple of
tricks as
well. He just needed a chance at life
and a little
love to boot!
My new hobby
is taking care of sick or wounded horses or
stock animals
for people that cannot afford to do it themselves, or cannot afford the
high cost of long term Vet care.
I believe
that most people would not have their animals
put down if
there was an affordable solution to their
animals health
care. I am not a Veterinarian, nor am I trying
to compete
with any of them. However, I offer my services
as a side
benefit to Veterinary care.
The cost of
keeping a large animal at a Veterinary
clinic can
be quite high, depending on the amount of
time the injured
animal is there.
I have the
afflicted animal brought to our place
where it can
be under 24 hour care. All I ask for is that
the owner
of any animal supply any and all medications,
hay or special
feeds, and all bandaging supplies needed
in caring
for the animal. everything else is done by me
and of course,
is totally free.
My being able
to help and interact with the animal is
payment enough.
And yes... Donations are welcome,
but not required.
Here I am
with Bay doing his daily dressing change, the lame caring for the lame
as I like to put it! After many months of treatment, I am happy to announce
that Bay is now as fit as a fiddle and will once again be able to hit the
dusty trails, and in perfect health. Just a little love, and a lot of care
kept this guy from being destroyed due to his injuries. Well worth the
(I am the
one kneeling down)
Above and beyond
all of this I am just an average person
that loves
to have fun, and will go out of my way to help
anyone at
anytime if I can. Life is much too short
to be locked
into ourselves as individuals.
I am by no
means perfect, and I have never met
anyone who
is. To forgive yourself for your own
mistakes paves
the way to forgive others for theirs.
Hanging on
to a negative feeling only feeds the fire
of ignorance
and humility, as well as hatred.
It does not
hurt to spread a little love, laughter,
or compassion
upon our fellow brothers and sisters,
no matter
what color or creed they are.
I believe
that is the true essence of being
a complete
human being. I just wish more of us
thought along
the same lines, it would make
every one
of us a little happier in our daily lives.
It is okay
to be different.
We all have
the God given right to follow our hearts,
and be who
we are.
In the
beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals, for
Tirawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent certain animals
to tell men that he showed himself through the beast, and that from them,
and from the stars and the sun and moon should man learn.. all things tell
of Tirawa.
All things
in the world are two. In our minds we are two, good and evil. With our
eyes we see two things, things that are fair and things that are ugly....
We have the right hand that strikes and makes for evil, and we have the
left hand full of kindness, near the heart. One foot may lead us to an
evil way, the other foot may lead us to a good.
So are
all things two, all two.
Chief (Letakos-Lesa) Pawnee
I would like to thank
my good friend
Whitehorse for this Coyote graphic.

It is not
the size of the Dog in the fight...
It's the size
of the fight in the Dog!
The contents
of the area below is not for children
or the
squeamish. Though bloodless, these are actual photos
of the
surgical proceedures to save my arm, and what was required to do in order
to keep my arm.
It is quite
graphic, but very interesting from a medical point of view. This page is
in no way meant to offend or cause anyone any grief, nor is it a solicitation
for anyone's pity.
It is just
an explanation of what I went through, and am still dealing with, and how
it has changed my life.
It has made
me a much stronger person, and taught me that as human beings we all have
an inner strength that will help us overcome any and all of life's obstacles,
If you
believe in yourself, the one God, the earth spirits,
and the
power of prayer.
Two surgical
proceedures to elbow.
1. Repair
and re-attach muscle and tendon to bone.
2. Nerve release
and re-routing of the ulna nerve.
On the first
surgery they closed the wound with staples,
the second
surgery was with regular stitches.
Rotator cuff Repair to shoulder.
Removal of 80% of the radius bone.
Wound was left open so I could clean
it out daily and prevent any further infection. Radius bone soon collapsed
due to insufficient bone mass, so placement of a surgical steel rod from
wrist to elbow was done to act as a radius bone and keep forearm stable.
This proceedure had to be done twice
as the first steel rod was not placed securely and it migrated out of place
and severed the tendons and nerves to the right thumb. Second rod placement
used bone grafted from my hip and was a success.
It is still with me to this day.
...... everything on the earth
has a purpose,
every disease an herb to cure
and every person a mission.
This is the Indian theory of existence.
Dove (Salish) 1888-1936