I have an
avid interest in History or Events
that have
happened, and changed the way I live and think.
This is
a page of my thoughts, and why I have them!
It also
represents the person I am free to be,
my strong
Spiritual beliefs,
and how
I wish to live my life!
The one
physical and spiritual life we are given by the creator
and we should
all have the Honor and Privilege to
live it
out the way we choose,
persecution or prejudice.
I will fight
to keep this my God given right,
and the
right of my family and friends.
Joseph -
Two Dogs
My Code of
Treat people
fairly and do not judge them for their outward appearance, be they any
color or creed.
Look into
their hearts, and judge them for their deeds.
I will not
be fooled by those who would use my friendship to further their own selfish
or greedy needs.
They are
self serving, and without honor or loyalty.
Always give
the less fortunate a helping hand.
I may turn
the other cheek,
but I will
not take a second slap.
Before you
raise your hand or voice in "Anger",
raise your
own awareness to overcome the ignorance of it.
I will always
stand up for the weak or unprotected.
Always listen
to a child, and never turn one away.
I will always
walk away from a useless fight or argument,
but if cornered,
I will fight with the strength of Two Dogs.
Listen to
your loved ones, and hear their hearts.
I will learn
by my mistakes,
and never
make the same one twice.
Be loving
and kind to all of Gods creatures.
I will always
protect my family and friends,
they are two or four legged.
Never go
to bed with an argument on your mind,
and words
of anger in your mouth.
I will always
follow the path of the one God.
Never be
afraid to say you are sorry.
I will always
strive to be the most loving, loyal,
and trusted
man I can be.
Do not pollute
the Earth, save something for the future generations to enjoy, and then
pass on to their own children.
I will always
be honest and fair.
Always take
time for yourself,
so you may
more appreciate those around you when they are.
I will never
ever harm or strike a woman or a child,
as no real
man ever should.
Keep your
mind and heart open,
as life
is always filled with new things to learn.
I will always
believe in my own inner strength,
and its
power to heal and cure my body and mind.
Be forgiving,
To yourself first.
If you cannot
do it, don't expect anyone else to.
Always be
able to laugh at yourself,
the same
as you laugh at others.
Always Smile.
Since I
was a child, I was able to live in some very pretty country.
I remember
back when there were times we were not allowed to go outside and play,
due to hunting season. This was my first experience with caring for animals.
My oldest sister and I used to sneak out to play, and at times we would
come across a wounded animal that some fool hunter had shot so they could
site in their weapon, or maybe just to kill it for fun.
Be it a
bird, squirrel, rabbit, or any of the other small creatures that lived
in the woods around our home, it would be taken to the house and cared
for. After a scolding for going outside, with the help of Mom, we would
wash and feed it, then place it in a shoe box filled with dry grass or
old rags to start its healing process. Unfortunately, the majority of the
critters died due to their wounds, or just plain shock. I remember a small
little area in the back of our property where we had a little graveyard
for those who did not make it. There was row upon row of popsicle stick
crosses that marked the tiny graves, and eventually it resembled a miniature
Arlington cemetery. Every time we placed an animal there, we would have
a little ceremony and prayer for the fallen creature.
I remember
holding the tiny lifeless creatures in my hands, and wondering why it had
to die, what was the point. It could not have been a threat to anyone,
nor was it used for a food source.
What a waste
of life it was.
Well, here
I am some 45 years later,
and I am
doing the same ritual, and wondering why!
I am not
knocking the practice of hunting,
or the hunters
themselves... not all hunters are idiots,
as I hunt
myself when I need to,
but I cannot
understand why one would shoot an animal that was not to be used as a source
of food. Again, it is such a waste of nature to arbitrarily take an innocent
life from creatures that would never do us harm. God put every member of
the animal kingdom here for a reason and when man,
his ignorance upsets the balance,
it affects
the whole pecking order of nature and wildlife.
if one is to hunt for survival, take only what you need, and what is deemed
legal, as we have way too many creatures
on the endangered
species list these days.
Until then,
I will continue to make the little crosses from popsicle sticks, and lay
my little animal cousins to rest in our graveyard,
in the hope
that someday those that are ignorant will stop the useless slaughter of
Gods creatures.
To be one
with the animals,
is one of
Gods most precious gifts to mankind!
Though not
all possess this wonderful gift,
those that
do are able to have their lives
that much
more enriched with love and emotion.
Two Dogs
A Beautiful
Afternoon Ride.
I honor this
beautiful lady riding next to me.
Since we
were kids, she has been my best friend,
my lover,
my heart, and my confidant.
When my
health took a turn for the worse,
she was
right there by my side, and at times I know I was not the easiest person
to live with. She has given me nothing but unconditional love and devotion,
as well as comfort and stability.
She and
the boys are my strength.
Thank you
Honey, I love you!
Song Playing
is "Blood Brother"
by Permission
of Elan Michaels
"Buffalo Horse"
This is what
The Dalai Lama has to say on the millennium.
into account that great love and
great achievements
involve great risk.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
Follow the three Rs:
Respect for self
Respect for others and
Responsibility for all your actions.
that not getting what you want is
a wonderful stroke of luck.
Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
When you realize you've made a mistake,
take immediate
steps to correct it.
some time alone every day.
Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think
back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.
disagreements with loved ones,
deal only
with the current situation.
Don't bring up the past.
Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
gentle with the earth.
Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love
for each other exceeds your need for each other.
your success by what you had to give up
in order
to get it.
Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
It is not
the size of the Dog in the fight...
It's the size
of the fight in the Dog!

help save the Wolf.
The Wolf Whispers Web Site